Number 2
August 23, 1998
The commercial fishing industry
- target of opportunity?
The negative impacts - sometimes actual but more often exaggerated -
of seafood harvesting have made up a large part of the ocean dialogue for
over a decade. In recent years there have been attempts to relate virtually
every out-of-the-ordinary occurence in any body of salt or brackish water
to one commercial fishing activity or another. Every time a recreational
angler needs an excuse for why, with a $50,000 outboard motorboat and $10,000
worth of fishing poles and fish-finding and navigational electronics, he
didn’t catch enough fish, he can blame commercial fishing. Every time an
environmental organization needs a boost in membership, a larger foundation
grant, a cause to flog or a "let’s get the bad guys" sound byte, there’s
commercial fishing. And whenever anyone suggests that the U.S. taxpayers
might not be getting much return from their half a billion dollar a year
investment in fisheries management, the response from the managers always
seems to include shifting blame to the commercial fishermen.
In the last decade various people and organizations have become exceedingly
adept at pointing out in elaborate, usually overblown [
detail what’s wrong with commercial fishing. It seems to have become an
almost guaranteed way to attract high levels of funding at a time when
the quest for research dollars has become exceedingly competitive. While
it’s probably not necessary to state it here, finding - or manufacturing
- fault with commercial fishing has become a sizeable industry.
The commercial fishing industry
- what is it good for?
At the same time we seem to have lost sight of the enduring and ongoing
contributions that working fishermen and the results of their labors have
for generations made to our health, our economy, our quality of life and
our coastal heritage.
Starting with the most obvious and stated most simply, fishing provides
an awful lot of high quality protein. As a global community we need to
efficiently harvest and distribute the sea’s bounty (and, of course, other
forms of protein) to avoid mass starvation. That would seem to be evident
to just about anyone with either a television and a social conscience or
the tragic misfortune to have been born in the wrong place. However, a
handful of people who are fortunate enough to be from protein-rich nations
like the United States have the luxury to rhapsodize about zero-impact,
low efficiency, sustainable fishing and try to impose their vision on the
rest of the world. Understandably, that rest of the world is much more
interested in whichever management techniques will allow them to most effectively
wring the maximum amount of protein from the coastal and ocean waters they
control. Unfashionable as it might be in our well-fed, home-grown ocean
advocacy circles, they probably consider their practical approach to fishing
to be somewhat better than starvation and somewhat easier than population
control. From any kind of global humanitarian perspective, non-impact fishing
should probably be considered a non-starter. The idea of automatically
condemning efficient fishing techniques should be unconscionable anywhere
in a world in which thousands of people are starving every day, yet it
is in vogue in the "right" environmental circles.
The dietary benefits of seafood are obvious to those of us who can afford
the luxury of controlling our diet. For us, seafood will keep us alive
longer. This can’t be said of any other kind of animal protein.
The environmental benefits of harvesting seafood from the wild as compared
to culturing it in controlled systems are becoming more apparent as aquaculture
production, and the scrutiny applied to its impacts [
continues to increase worldwide. Until - or if - closed system aquaculture
becomes practical on a large scale, any significant fish or shellfish farming
operation is going to come with built-in environmental liabilities.
from The Times-Picayune
New Orleans, Louisiana
August 6, 1998
By Jerald Horst
At the end of July, about 90 scientists, environmentalists
and shrimp industry representatives met in Kenner to discuss the risks
posed to native shrimp populations by foreign shrimp viruses. These deadly
viruses came to their attention when shrimp farms in Asia and Latin America
experienced high losses from infection.
These were followed by virus outbreaks on shrimp
farms in Texas and South Carolina that farmed non-native Pacific white
and blue shrimp. About 80 percent of the shrimp consumed in the United
States are imported; half of them are produced on farms.
The major issue is whether importing these
non-native shrimp for either aquaculture or consumption will spread these
viral diseases to native Gulf of Mexico shrimp, and if they are infected,
what the effects will be.
Scientists at the workshop said viruses causing
four shrimp diseases are present and will continue to be present in imported
shrimp. Pathways for the viruses to reach wild native populations were
identified as escape of non-native, infected shrimp from U.S. shrimp farms;
water discharge and storm tide flooding of these farms; direct discharges
from seafood plants that process imports; seagulls feeding at landfills
containing shrimp wastes; and the recreational use of infected bait shrimp.
Where the scientists disagreed was on the impact
of this spread. Little is known about how infectious and deadly these viruses
would be on native shrimp in the wild. If native wild brown, pink and white
shrimp are affected in a way similar to non-native Pacific shrimp on farms,
thousands of jobs in the domestic shrimp industry could be lost." |
While we’re saving an in-depth treatment for a future FishNet, the cultural
contributions that fishing has made to our coastal communities are so significant
(and appealing) that tourist attractions such as San Francisco’s Fishermen’s
Wharf and Monterey’s Cannery Row strive to maintain their fishing aura
even after the largest parts of their fishing industries have moved on.
And anyone who has spent time in coastal New England knows how pervasive
the fishing traditions and atmosphere are and what importance they have
had in developing the character of the communities there. The same can
be said, perhaps on a lesser scale, of other towns and cities up and down
both coasts.
On a related note, commercial fishing is the major - and in many instances
the only - source of year-round employment in those coastal communituies
that are otherwise dependent on the vagaries of expenditures by seasonal
We’ve discussed the significant positive impact of domestic fish and seafood
production on the balance of trade in a previous FishNet [
In view of the rapid growth of our trade deficit as a response to the economic
troubles in Asia, seafood exports are even more important today.
Then there are the simple contributions, usually taken for granted, that
working fishermen make to the quality of all our lives. What would a trip
to the New Jersey shore be without a dinner of ocean-fresh bluefish or
scallops or fluke - preceded, of course, by half a dozen cherrystone clams
on the half-shell? A trip to Maine without a steamed lobster? Boston without
a cup of chowder and baked scrod? Baltimore and no blue crabs? And the
list goes on and on.
While it’s importance has been completely ignored by an environmental community
that would normally be expected to recognize and capitalize upon it, working
fishermen provide the most important link between the public and solid
ocean values. Increasingly the oceans are viewed as some larger, slightly
less predictable version of a Disneyworld or Three Flags over wherever
theme park. You splash in them, swim through them, observe other people
exploring them, and watch trained, costumed dolphins and orcas and seals
perform in them. Located on them are an ever increasing number of floating
mega casino-resorts that let you spend a week "at sea" without tasting
salt spray or smelling salt air and they’re where you tear about on your
jet ski after you get it off the trailer. And, of course, they’re where
you catch fish for fun.
When was the last time anyone agonized over the loss of natural
habitat in Orlando or Las Vegas? Actually, when was the last time anyone
thought, or cared, that there was any natural habitat left in either? When
was the last time you saw someone watching a nesting osprey from an idling
jet ski [
coincidentally, two weeks after writing this we came across a sign in front
of a watersports concession in Corolla on Cape Hatteras, NC that advertised
both jet ski rentals and ecotours. Perhaps a candidate for the most internally
inconsistent sign of the deacde?]. But as we’ve seen - fortunately much
less frequently in recent years - the public responds immediately, loudly
and convincingly whenever there’s an assault on the quality of their local
seafood. When it affects what’s on their table, ocean quality issues become
very significant to people very quickly. Commercial fishing provides tangible
proof that our waters have a value that far transends their use for recreation,
entertainment and transportation.
Finally, and this is another one of those seemingly self-evident benefits
that tend to be ignored, commercial fishing docks are much more environmentally
benign than anything likely to replace them. With the rampant development
that our coastal states are afflicted with, we don’t need any more condos,
motels, golf courses, marinas, jet ski/parasail concessions or night clubs
on our waterfronts. Zoning or no, what are the chances that any commercial
fishing dock, minus the commercial fishing, is going to be transformed
to a less intensive use?
Waterfront development on the southern coast of Spain
(P.Stolpe photo) |
The commercial fishing industry
- can we keep it around?
It would seem there are compelling reasons for maintaining a healthy,
economically viable commercial fishing industry. But are we?
This is the big question. Commercial fishing is facing challenges today
that few people outside the industry are aware of, challenges that are
having dramatic cumulative impacts on the small businesses that make up
the domestic fishing industry, impacts that many of these businesses aren’t
capable of absorbing. In this FishNet we’ve tried to show you what’s at
risk. We’ll be looking at the specific challenges and the effects they
are having - on the fishing businesses and on the communities they are
an integral part of - over the next several months.
The Natural Resources Defense Council - that
group that brought us the Alar apple scare a few years back [ ]
- is one of the leaders in the anti-commercial fishing movement. With their
publication Hook, Line, and Sinking - the Crisis in Marine Fisheries they
"make their case" for inflicting on working fishermen the equivalent of
the impacts their Alar hysteria had on the agricultural industry. But are
the conditions in the fisheries all that bad? Following are parts of titles
of NRDC publications listed on their web site. While such titles would
seem to be more appropriate to the shelves overlooking supermarket check-out
counters, they’ve evidently become quite important in influencing public
opinion*. We’ll leave it to our readers to judge how justified the levels
of hysterical alarmism they reach actually are:
"Year of Living Dangerously…. Public Health
Threats From.... Arsenic, Radioactive Radon, and Trihalomethanes in Our
Drinking Water…. Failure of the Nation’s Drinking Water System to Protect
Public Health…. Politics and Pollution…. Congress’ Continuing Attack on
the Environment…. Gutting Environmental Protection…. Congress’ Assault
on Clean Waters…. Are Children Its First Victims?… Exposure and Toxicity
to Infants and Children…. Out of Breath: Children’s Health and Air Pollution….
Our Children at Risk:…. No Safe Harbor:…. Violations of Federal Health
Standards in Tap Water…. Hog Wash: Factory Farm Giveaways…. Testing the
Waters VI: Who Knows What You’re Getting Into…. Healing the Waters of Greater
Cleveland: Poison Runoff Problems…. Children and Environmental Carcinogens….
Getting the Dirt on Your Electric Company…. Gathering Storm: Coming Environmental
Battles…. Forests on the Line…. Flying Off Course: Environmental Impacts
of America’s Airports…. Falling Trees and Fading Promises…. The Dirty Little
Secret About Our Drinking Water:…. Whale Sanctuary ‘In Danger’…. Damage
Report: Environment and the 104th Congress…. Contaminated Catch: The Public
Health Threat from Toxics in Fish…. Breath-Taking: Premature Mortality
Due to Particulate Air Pollution…. Breach of Faith: How the Contract’s
Fine Print Undermines America’s Environmental Success."
*Surprisingly, in the titles of over 20 listed
publications dealing with nuclear power, research or weaponry - in various
countries including China, Iran and India - the NRDC’s vocabulary doesn’t
get much stronger than difficult or alert. Kind of makes you wonder who’s
setting their priorities? |
- The
Oil Slick -
"Interior Secretary Bruce
Babbitt, in a decision that was widely anticipated, said companies would
be allowed to look for oil on four million acres of the National Petroleum
Reserve, west of the Prudhoe Bay oil fields where wells already feed the
Trans-Alaska Pipeline."
(NY Times, 08/07/98).
[ for
an interesting article dealing with another facet of oil industry development] |
New Jersey FishNet is supported
by Atlantic Capes Fisheries, the Fishermen’s Dock Cooperative, Lund’s Fisheries,
the National Fisheries Institute and Viking Village Dock