New Jersey's
A description of commercially
important fish species in New Jersey's waters |
The major techniques used for commercially
harvesting fish and shellfish from New Jersey waters |
New Jersey's
Fishing Ports
New Jersey's fishing ports, their
locations, major species landed, facilities available, etc |
New Jersey
Seafood Businesses
Docks, wholesalers, retailers and
suppliers that make up New Jersey's commercial fishing industry |
People in the
New Jersey Industry
Some of the people who are responsible
for getting New Jersey's seafood from the ocean to the table |
Managing New Jersey's
Fisheries Resources
A description of the process, the
agencies and the people involved in modern marine resource management |
New Jersey
Seafood Restaurants
Selected area restaurants featuring
locally produced fish and shellfish |
Recipes from all over the world
modified to feature New Jersey products |
Marine Research
Links to government and academic
sites that are involved in research on and/or provide information concerning
fisheries |
Fishing Links
Links to other commercial fishing
and seafood industry sites on the Web |
A list of books and other publications
for those wanting to learn more about commercial fishing |
New Jersey
The web edition of a biweekly infromation
sheet sent to legislators, industry members, media reps, etc. |
Other Links
of Interest
Other sites we have come across
or use regularly that might be of interest to visitors here |
Articles from other sources that
deal with commercial fishing or related subjects (do not distribute withour
author's permission) |
Picture Gallery
Photographs of various fishing-related
subjects that will be changed regularly |
Other Stuff
If you haven't found it anywhere
else on the site and it has to do with the seafood industry in New Jersey,
try here |
Recreational Fishing Links
A listing of links to selected
recreational fishing sites |