The following photographs were taken by
Nils Stolpe and others. The image files are larger than any of the others
on this site and will take a while to load. Along with the brief description
and thumbnail we've included the file size, which should allow you to estimate
how much time will be required.
Unless stated otherwise, please feel free to copy any of the photos and reuse them for any non-commercial purposes. We only ask that if you do so you credit the source. Note: a lower resolution image will load first. If that is adequate for your needs or if you don't want to wait for the higher resolution image, stop the download at that point. Thank you. |
Sea palms (Postelsia palmaeformis)
on an intertidal rock on the northern California coast (163 kb)
A coral rock
coastline on the north shore of Grand Cayman (226 kb)
Fossilized coral and
xerophytic plant on the north shore of Grand Cayman (163 kb)
The Debbie & Jeanette, a surf
clam/ocean quohog hydraulic dredge-equipped vessel
in Point Pleasant (157 kb)
A older double-ended salmon gillnetter in Seattle,
WA (153 kb)
Kevin Wark's
boat "Endeavor" coming in through Barnegat Light at the end of a fishing
day (172 kb)
The catcher/processor vessel Constellation in Seattle
(32 kb)
The Point Arena, California lighthouse (100 kb)
Surf fishermen on Cape Hatteras, NC (photo by R.
Paxson - 61 kb)
The Fishemen's Memorial on the waterfront
in Seattle, WA (80 kb)
A gull on a piling in Fort Bragg, California (49 kb) |
A collage made from several photos and various marine images (95 kb) |
An illustration that was made (with a little help from Adobe Photoshop) from a photo of a dragger in Point pleasant (56 kb) |
A photograph of the working deck of a surf clam boat after a filled dredge has been brought aboard (70 kb) |
A photograph of Georgia shrimp boats and several packing houses (50 kb) | |
The White Dove Too, a puse seiner, at the dock at Lund's Fishery in Cape May, NJ (60 kb) |
A photo by Captain Monty Weeks of Texas showing commercial and recreational fisherman coexisting on the same ocean! (62 kb) |