The workshop that resulted in these proceedings
was the first attempt at bringing together a group of experts in various
fields to address the potential negative impacts of high-level recreational
boating on estuarine productivity. While only a limited number of printed
copies of the proceedings were produced, the will be posted on the Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution's web site in the near future and are available
on-disk (in unedited form) from Michael Moore whose address is provided
[ for
a FishNet edition that discusses boating impacts and provides links to
other sites] |
Executive Summary
Substantiated impacts of boating activity that were discussed at this
workshop include: sediment and contaminant resuspension and resultant turbidity;
laceration of aquatic vegetation with loss of faunal habitat and substrate
stability; toxic effects of chemical emissions of boat engines; increased
turbulence; shearing of plankton; shorebird disturbance; and the biological
effects of chemically treated wood used in dock and bulkhead construction.
These discussions revealed that many of the issues of concern remain inadequately
defined and described. But sufficient hard data was referred to or presented
to substantiate the inference that recreational and commercial motor boat
operation is far from a benign influence on aquatic and marine environments.
This is particularly so in temperate climes due to the unfortunate synchrony,
with only a few exceptions, between the peak seasons for boating and the
occurrence of planktonic embryonic and larval stages of vertebrates and
invertebrates in estuaries and coastal waters. Therefore, the chance of
plants and organisms being affected by power boat operation appears to
be substantial in shallow, heavily used boating areas such as those along
the entire U.S. eastern and Gulf coasts. As such, motor boat operation
ought to be regarded as a privilege which requires due consideration of
environmental impacts, and should be conducted and managed in such a manner
as to minimize those impacts.
This workshop was born from the interest of an informal network of concerned
individuals. The meeting was conceived to be more than simply a data workshop,
a character that is reflected in this document. Instead, the meeting was
intended to be a time to share data and discuss hypotheses and speculations.
The object of the discussions was to consider the jigsaw puzzle of potential
impacts of boats in the aquatic environment. It was recognized that workshop
results would not represent definitive descriptions of boating impacts.
Instead it was hoped that the meeting would define some of the boundaries
of the impacts jigsaw puzzle. At the same time, it was acknowledged that
many of the puzzle pieces would be left in outline form.
The steering committee invited representatives from industry, government,
science and the environmental lobby to the workshop. The attendees included
administrators, consultants, writers, economists, research scientists and
environmental advocates. The only invited group that chose not to attend
the meeting was industry.
Our charge at the workshop was to examine boating activities in different
habitats according to the spectrum of no impact to high impact, to consider
what are the best indicators to measure those impacts, and to begin to
focus on the critical agents of change. This approach is illustrated by
a brief case study where there is little question of boating having a severe
impact in the Norfolk Broads in England. There, about 250 miles of rivers
run through a series of medieval peat diggings that make broad lakes anything
up to a mile or two in length. The banks of the rivers are peat, and the
bottoms soft mud. Seasonal rental power boats cause massive traffic problems
as well as bank erosion, turbidity, macrophyte shearing, chronic habitat
disturbance, noise, and pollution from boat sewage. Solutions have been
hard to find, as the local economy is heavily tourist dependent. Speed
limits, pump-outs and bulkheads on the river banks are the primary management
tools currently in evidence. In spite of the fact that boating activity
has an evident impact in that region, there is insufficient definitive
understanding of how boating affects shallow systems to help planners and
managers design additional measures that would help to minimize environmental
consequences while allowing boating activity to continue. It was the hope
of workshop organizers that the discussions at this meeting would provide
kernels for the efforts of the diverse group of attendees to help design
such measures.
The agenda of the workshop was to hear perspectives from managers, economists,
statisticians, and scientists on the issues at hand: the biological, physical
and chemical effects of recreational boating activity as it relates to
hulls of pleasure craft being propelled through the water. We intentionally
avoided the separate issue of boat sewage discharge as it is a separate
workshop unto itself. The deliberations were to be rational and based on
science, rather than foregone conclusions.
At the conclusion of the formal presentations, participants were to
gather into groups to discuss the issues that were raised as well as related
issues that were not, and generate working statements relevant to these
goals. The general theme of each working group was to be decided at the
conclusion of the presentations. The themes would reflect the issues that
had received the most emphasis in both the formal presentations as well
as during the question-and-answer period that followed each presentation.
The participants in the working groups were charged with the following
What do we know?
What do we not know but need to?
What research is currently in progress?
What research collaborations should be established?
Where should funds be sought to pursue these goals?
Which issues are, can and should be managed by legislation?
What is an appropriate legislative agenda at the national and state level?
The proximate goal of the workshop was to generate a working document to
define issues relevant to the effects of boating activities. In spite of
the fact that the study of boating impacts is in its early stages, there
is a substantial body of literature, much of it from England, that is relevant
to the issues discussed here. Workshop participants were to review what
is known and to chart' research and management needs and how these might
be addressed. Our ultimate goal was to focus academic, political and legislative
consciousness toward boating-related issues that may be damaging to the
health of our coastal and freshwater ecosystems and consequently damaging
to the long term viability of regional economies.
This document is an edited proceedings of the workshop. Some of the
presentations were reports of new information about well established, long
known impacts such as turbidity and bird disturbance. Other topics, such
as the toxic effect of engine exhaust and propeller shearing questions,
have been little studied in the boating context. Because of the embryonic
nature of many of the ideas discussed at the workshop, it developed a somewhat
fluid format that is reflected in these proceedings.
Some talks referred to visual material not included in these proceedings;
several were not supported by written text other than abstracts. To enhance
the readability of this document, the editors have taken editorial liberties
to help convey the message of the author of a presentation. Most of the
presentations are reported as edited versions of text submitted by the
author or as edited transcripts of a verbatim recording. Appropriate unedited
tables and figures are included, if available. The presentation by George
McCarthy was supported by text taken from a more formally structured manuscript
under development for subsequent publication elsewhere. A synopsis of this
text has been included in this proceedings. When data from completed studies
was mentioned in a talk, appropriate references are given in this compilation.
Several bibliographies of literature pertinent to the topics discussed
at the workshop are included in the Appendices.
The contents of this proceedings are to be considered descriptions of
works-in-progress. They cannot be cited without the permission of the authors
of the various presentations. As noted in the Acknowledgments section,
unedited transcripts of the presentations are available (on disk) from
Michael Moore, MS 33, WHOI, Woods Hole, MA 02543.
In editing these transcripts we have forgone efforts to maintain the
character of the presenters' individual manners of speech in favor of producing
a document with consistent style and format. The exception is the Question
and Answer sessions. These have been included in a modestly edited form
to retain the deportment of the discussions, a fundamental element of the
future of the issues forming the crux of the workshop. The sequential order
of the papers has been reorganized from that of the workshop to better
maintain a logical format within this document. We hope that this report
will be used as a source of discussion to stimulate new research ideas
and generate new management concerns and/or plans in those instances when
the material is relevant.
In this regard, the findings of the working groups provide useful overviews
of what we know and what we need to know. Toward this end, one of the most
remarkable aspects of this workshop was the revelation of the greater activity
and knowledge base of many state-level environmental managers than that
for members of the academic and research communities. This in part reflects
the applied nature of the issues but it also points to a real need for
increased funding for research in all of the areas considered at the workshop,
an appraisal which is described in greater detail in these proceedings.
NOTE: These proceedings are presently being prepared for placement on
the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's web site. As soon as that is
accomplished we will provide a link to the proper location. |