- The
Oil Slick -
Please excuse the momentary interruption. As we
indicated in FishNet 19 [ ]
we've been puzzled by the seemingly high incidence of connections between
some of the people or organizations that are active in fisheries or ocean
issues and are, directly or indirectly, connected to the petroleum industry.
When we stumble upon one of these perplexing connections we will indicate
it with an "oily fish" button such as the one you just clicked on and we
will detour you momentarily to detail it. |
In this instance the connection is actually a "twofer"
in that Dr. Safina is receiving funding from the Pew Charitable Trusts
via SeaWeb [ ]
and is also associated with the Audobon Society, which has received significant
levels of funding from the W. Alton Jones Foundation [ ]
. |
to the original destination