November 12, 2000
Dear Members and Friends of NAMA,
From the Coordinating Director
For nearly three years,
I have been the Coordinating Director of NAMA. I have been involved with
commercial fishing for 31 years. I own a 54-foot dragger based out of Portland,
Maine and currently serve on many local, state and federal fisheries committees.
When I look back to June of 1995 and the very first meeting of concerned individuals, who would eventually create NAMA, I am amazed at what we have accomplished and the unity we built that continues to keep us together. The most enjoyable aspect of my job is the people I get to meet and work with. Whether it was finding friendship with Pat White of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association or working together with Peter Shelley of Conservation Law Foundation to create a meaningful set of principles for NAMA or working side by side with Dee Hock, Founder and CEO Emeritus of VISA, to understand the conceptual ideas of a “Chaordic” organization, it all has moved me deeply. Knowing and then showing that we can work together for common good is powerful. NAMA has given me hope - Hope that had all but vanished before the summer of 1995. In this first newsletter, you will be introduced to the NAMA staff and each quarter we will highlight one Trustee to give you a first hand idea of the quality of people associated with our organization. We welcome your involvement and continued support. Please visit our website at www.namanet.org for more detailed information on NAMA and to read about some of our current projects. Craig A. Pendleton
hope you find this newsletter informative. Our goal of creating a community-based
self-organizing and self-governing institution is taking shape. Community
Alliances are emerging in Saco, Maine and Point Judith, Rhode Island. We
have added an international connection by approving Arthur Bull of the
Marine Resource Center- Nova Scotia, Canada to our Board of Trustees. We
have increased the diversity of the NAMA Board of Trustees with the addition
of Beazie Chase, Boston, MA. Beazie recently left her job as a program
officer with the Kendall Foundation of Boston, MA and is working on a free-lance
writing opportunity and Rick Albertson, Sebasco Estates, ME. Rick
is retired from Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI and owns the infamous
38-foot Holland lobster/tuna boat “ALL SET”.
enjoying significant growth and has begun to plan for its future needs.
We will be opening up positions in outreach for NAMA as an organization
and outreach and reporting for collaborative research throughout New England.
Meet the Assistant Director
![]() I was hired as the Administrative
Assistant in April of 1999 and was promoted to Assistant Director in September
of this year. My duties include administrative work, bookkeeping,
website management, and outreach for community alliance development, particularly
in Saco, Maine.
My experience on the water started at the age of 14 with a little recreational lobstering on a family members boat. And surprisingly – I didn’t get sick! The next significant experience on the water was working on a whale watch boat out of Kennebunkport, Maine for 10 seasons. I worked my way up the ladder so to speak, to the admired position of naturalist. My time spent on the water and working with the local fisherman are times I enjoyed immensely. During the off-season, I kept busy running a business of my own as a Personal Financial Analyst. The services that I provide range from retirement planning, debt management, asset protection and mortgages. I have maintained my licenses with the State of Maine and these types of services may become available to NAMA members in the future. With Craig’s leadership
and guidance and the support of the Board, I look down the road and see
a future with promise because of NAMA, a future with hope, and a future
that I am proud to be a part of.
Carla A. Morin
Meet a Board Member - Mr. Patten D. White
Patten D. (Pat) White
is a commercial lobsterman from York, Maine and the Executive Director
of the Maine Lobstermen's Association. He is a commissioner on the Atlantic
States Marine Fisheries Commission and has previously served as a member
of the New England Fisheries Management Council.
Pat’s current positions
in fishing industry organizations also include: member of the Board of
Trustees, Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance; member of the Sea Grant Policy
Advisory Committee; vice-chair of the International Lobster Coalition;
board member of the Maine Fishermen's Forum; and member of the Large Whale
Take Reduction Team. He is also on the editorial board of National Fisherman.
Prior to becoming its Executive
Director, Pat served on the board of directors of the Maine Lobstermen's
Association and was also: a volunteer in the Peace Corps Fisheries Group,
Togo, West Africa; a founding partner of the York River Lobster Company;
a director of the Associated Fisheries of Maine; a member of the Lobster
Advisory Committee to the Maine Department of Marine Resources; and on
the board of directors of the International Lobster Congress.
Pat has been a long-time champion of broad participation in fishery management, decisions at the local level and an advocate of the ecosystem approach to marine policy decisions. Pat has lived in seaside communities all of his life and has been lobstering since the age of 18. His father was an avid sailor and his grandfather an accomplished sport fisherman. He and his wife of 37 years, Enid, have three children and ten grandchildren.
Project News
Local $ From Local Fishermen
NAMA has initiated a project
that is designed to increase public awareness of the
![]() Our goal is to distribute
the $10,000 dollars with stickers on them plus an additional 15,000 stickers
for other currency and personal checks by January 1, 2001. This will
be an interesting way to show local business owners and the public that
commercial fishing is an integral part of our local economies. Ultimately,
increased local awareness will lead to local support. Imagine what
we could do if town government, the education system, local businesses
and fishermen worked together and supported each other. The potential
is limitless.
Currently the following
organizations and communities are participating in this project: Saco, Maine Rhode Island Seafood Council Rhode Island Commercial
Fishermen’s Association Ocean State Fishermen’s
Association We plan to work closely
with local press, trade newspapers and magazines to promote this project.
If you would like to participate please contact our office. Carla
and I will be visiting various locations to exchange money and you are
welcome to stop by and cash in money at our office in Saco.
Wild Scallop Stock Enhancement
The Stonington Fisheries
Alliance (SFA) has expanded the Wild Scallop Stock Enhancement Project
into its second year and now includes 44 participants from 6 ports
in Maine. NAMA has collaborated with SFA, New Hampshire Sea Grant,
Maine Sea Grant, Darling Marine Center, Beal’s Island Shellfish Hatchery
and Coastal Aquacultural Supply of Rhode Island. NAMA raised enough money
to purchase 5000 spat collection bags. This is a marked increase
from the 400 bags deployed the first year of the project. The participants
of this project have contributed by purchasing the necessary materials
for rigging the bags and donating their time.
Carla Morin of NAMA is
collecting data from the participants in the Saco Bay Area, Dana Morse
of Maine Sea Grant is collecting data in the mid-coast Maine area and Rick
Bubar of SFA is collecting data in the Stonington area. The information
being collected for the database is: date set, location, depth, sea surface
temp (if available), number of bags per line. During the 10-month
project, a few spat bags will be brought in to the Darling Marine Center
and Beal’s Island Shellfish Hatchery to count the microscopic scallops.
To provide you with an example of the success of last years project, one
spat bag collected 5000 baby scallops. The Saco Bay participants are developing
a working relationship with the University of New England’s marine program
to do their sample counting. In June, the spat bags containing scallops
will be taken to traditional fishing areas and released back into the wild.
We’ll keep you informed.
Community Alliance Development
Stonington Fisheries Alliance
– Ted Hoskins and Robin Alden have been chosen as Co-Chairs as SFA continues
to organize and grow. Ted Hoskins is attending a class on Community
Based Management at St. Francis Xavier University, New Brunswick, Canada.
John Kearney who is well known for his knowledge of community-based management
teaches the course.
Rhode Island Seafood
Council-Rhode Island Commercial Fishermen’s Association-
![]() The RISC and the RICFA has joined NAMA in the Local $ From Local Fishermen project by purchasing 10,000 stickers to distribute in their area. NAMA will continue to build on the positive relationship over the coming months.
Fish Expo
![]() ![]() NAMA staff traveled to
Providence, Rhode Island October 11th through the 14th
to participate at Fish Expo. Fish Expo is the commercial fishing
industry’s largest organized trade show. In the past, Fish Expo has alternated
between Boston, MA and Seattle, WA. This year the organizers chose
to move the east coast show to Providence, RI. NAMA staffed a booth
and were lucky to be surrounded by our friends from RI Commercial Fishermen’s
Association and RI Seafood Council, as well as, NAMA Trustee Chris Glass
of Manomet Observatory. Participating at the show allowed NAMA to
gain name recognition in an area outside our prior geographic focus.
NAMA staff was able to make several contacts and we see this as very positive
to our future development.
Saco, MaineSaco, Maine continues
to develop and gain momentum as local individuals participate in a variety
of activities. NAMA recently submitted the names of the owners of
all the draggers in Saco towards a research project involving David Goethel
of Seabrook, NH. David needs a dragger who is familiar with the areas surrounding
Saco in order to catch and tag cod. Kelly Penney-fishermen, Saco and Craig
attended the first meeting of the “cod tagging task force” which is being
sponsored by the New England Aquarium. These meetings are designed
to bring fishermen who are interested in doing a cod tagging study together
with the interested scientists and government agencies. The task
force will be developing a comprehensive tagging project that will be submitted
to National Marine Fisheries Service for funding and implementation.
Carla has attended Coastal
Waters Commission meetings and has been asked to serve on the board of
the Saco Shoreline Commission. Craig was the guest speaker at a local chapter
of Rotary. These are great opportunities to build awareness in the
community about NAMA.
Several fishermen from Saco and Scarborough joined the wild scallop stock enhancement project this fall. NAMA hosted an evening meeting at the Saco office where local fishermen and family members built 720 spat collection bags for distribution and deployment. NAMA is keeping track of all relevant data and maintaining close communication with the participants. NAMA is attempting to form a working relationship with the University of New England to work as a partner in the counting of the scallop spat as winter approaches. Saco fishing families and other community members are participating in NAMA’s Local $ From Local Fishermen project. NAMA is concentrating most of the $2 dollar bills in this area in order to get a greater awareness and response on the project.
Shrimp season dates are
as follows:
January 9 to March 17
– April 16 to April 30 all dates inclusive
Research opportunities continue to evolve as Federal funding flows to New England. If anyone has an idea, concern or interest in applying for a grant please contact us and we will give you a hand. New England Fisheries Management Council has been holding community meetings to try and understand how recent groundfish fisheries regulations have affected people and their communities- socially and economically. There is one more meeting in Maine that was not on the list. The meeting will be held in Ellsworth, Maine on Thursday, December 7, 2000 from 7 to 9 PM at the Holiday Inn on Rt. 1 and 3. Is your community ready to organize? Are there interested individuals willing to work on bringing people together for the sake of the marine resources? If so, please visit our website at www.namanet.org and contact us. We will send a representative to your area to discuss details and options. Thank you in advance. Fundraising- NAMA has several
alternatives for individuals and institutions to make much needed contributions
to our cause. Any contribution is welcome and appreciated as well
as tax deductible.