Biased scientific reporting
is tainting the Helfley Bill
by Michel Kaiser
(reprinted from the September Fishing News
International [ ]
Dr. Michel Kaiser shoots holes in
America's trawl ban plan
The main preoccupation of scientists who advise fisheries managers was
until recently the issue of stock management. However, over the last few
decades, environmental issues connected with fishing activities have become
increasingly important and we are now beginning to see a move towards ecosystem
based approaches to fisheries management.
What that means are scientists are now being asked to consider not only
the consequences of removing the target species from the world's oceans
but, also, the ecological implications of by-catches, discarding, ghost
fishing and seabed habitat disruptions.
This need for scientific advice on the wider effects of fishing on the
marine ecosystem has been driven largely by recent treaties such as the
Rio Convention on Biodiversity and legislation such as the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management Act.
Issues involving the death of cetaceans and sea turtles play on the
sensitivities of the public and have tended to be publicized by non-governmental
and conservation groups. Therefore it was almost inevitable that the last
section of the marine community to be portrayed as the victim of fishing
activities by the media were the unseen habitats and creatures living on
the seabed.
Much life on the seabed is unknown to the public – and much remains
unknown to science as well.
Species such as sea cucumbers and sea squirts have little public appeal.
Nevertheless, minimal public appeal does not necessarily mean a lack of
scientific importance where ecological and conservation issues are concerned.
Indeed scientists in Europe and Australasia have been studying the impacts
of fishing activities on seabed habitats for over ten years.
In contrast this area of research has been studied relatively little
in North America until the last five years or so. However, it wasn't long
before North American scientists were conducting similar studies and, with
their access to a number of marine reserves of which there are few in Europe,
were yielding new insights into seabed disturbances.
The response of regulatory authorities to the various studies regarding
the impacts of fishing has differed according to individual circumstances.
For example, off Tasmania fishing with trawl gears deployed near the seabed
has been prohibited around a number of as yet unexploited seamounts.
These deep water seamounts are encrusted by many slow growing corals
and sponges which are hundreds of years old in some cases and provide important
shelters for commercially important species.
As the trawls sweep over the seamount, they snag the emergent fauna
and drag them off the bedrock.
You donut need to be a scientist to realize that it would take many
hundreds of years for these organisms to recolonise and attain their former
density and size. Yet the Australian authorities have not closed all seamounts
to fishing.
Those that have been trawled for some years remain open to fishing as
they have been damaged and are no longer pristine. Hence there is little
to be gained by restricting fishing activity on these seamounts.
The Australian continental shelf is a vast resource and contrasts sharply
with the relatively small continental shelf of Northern Europe which is
exploited by member states of the European Union.
The North Sea is the most common hotbed of contention in Northern Europe
as it contains more valuable demersal fisheries than either the English
Channel or the Irish and Celtic Seas.
Bottom trawling has occurred in the North Sea for many hundreds of years,
but bottom fishing took on a new dimension when North Sea fleets started
using beam trawls instead of otter trawls to catch flatfish.
Dutch, Belgian, German and UK scientists were concerned about the effects
of these gears as long ago as 1970. Yet it is only in the last five years
that we have really begun to understand that fishing has caused long term
changes to seabed habitats in the North Sea.
However, how great are those changes and are they that important? We
can say without doubt that there are certain types of seabed habitats,
animals and plants which ar very sensitive to bottom fishing. Towed bottom
fishing gears should be excluded where they occur.
These areas are relatively small and few in number. In the southern
North Sea, where the majority of bottom fishing occurs for flatfish, we
now know that some animals are no longer as common as they were, e.g. dogfishes,
whelks and large clams
However, this area of seabed has been disturbed for so many years that
any changes would have occurred long ago. What we see today are the animals
which can survive this disturbance.
What lives in such a place? Small worms and small clams - less than
tile size of your thumbnail - are well adapted to living in heavily trawled
areas as they only live for a few months and so can quickly recolonise
newly trawled areas of seabed.
We also know from Canadian studies that to be small is advantageous
when you live in such an area. A small body size means these animals are
pushed aside by a pressure wave which precedes the passing trawl gear over
the seabed.
In addition, small worms and clams are exactly the right food for the
flatfishes which are the main target of the beam trawl fishery. Another
important finding of the European studies was that some areas of the seabed
are so greatly disturbed by natural events, such as tidal scour and wave
action, that trawling has only negligible effects in comparison.
Closing such areas to fishing would be a waste of time from the environmental
point of view.
Scientists in North America have undertaken many similar studies to
those in Europe, although the findings have tended to be more pessimistic
as in the Australian case.
This may be due largely to the fact that most studies undertaken in
the US have made comparisons between fished areas and protected marine
parks. The results arc based on sound science but they portray the worst
case scenario.
As a result, lobby groups have picked up this data with little or
no reference to the science done elsewhere in the world, some of which
indicates that towed bottom fishing is perfectly acceptable and environmentally
sustainable in certain seabed habitats.
So, I was concerned in read the phraseology of the recent Hefley Bill
put before the House of Representatives (see extracts). This Bill proposes
a moratorium on towed bottom gear in a number of areas which have ecologically
sensitive habitats, animals or plants.
In section 2 of the Bill, points 1, 2 and 3 are not contentious. However,
point 4 paints a grim but misleading picture that could have much wider
implications for the fishing industry than those highlighted for the bottom
fishing moratorium in the Bill.
What point 4 implies is that fishing gears effectively mow the entire
seabed at least twice every year, leaving not a single piece of seabed
untouched by trawling.
When this is applied to the statement in point 5 that trawling reduces
biodiversity, you are left with the impression that the seabed must be
a veritable desert
This is utter nonsense and is the gross misuse of fishing effort statistics
never intended for this purpose.
Fishermen exploit very specific seabed areas which yield good catches
and are free of snags Knowledge about these areas is passed between generations
of fishermen
This results in a concentration of fishing effort into limited areas
of the seabed which, we know, leaves many other areas which are fished
infrequently – if ever.
The first part of point 6 is blatantly misleading. On a worldwide basis
we know quite a lot about the recovery of some seabed habitats and which
habitats would take many years to recover from fishing activity. Of course
only horror stories generate public and political support.
The fishing industry should be concerned about these issues as they
begin to impinge more and more on fisheries management practices. These
issues are becoming far more prominent in the media and there will almost
certainly be future consumer demand for environmentally friendly fisheries
that extends beyond concerns about dolphin and turtle bycatches.
As scientists try to fill the gap in our knowledge concerning these
issues, environmental lobby groups are happy to fill the knowledge vacuum
with extrapolations based on the worst case scenarios, as we see implied
in the Hefley bill.
The fishing industry needs to arm itself with existing scientific facts
to ensure a fair and even-minded debate. Science collected in Europe and
Australia is equally valid when applied to situations in North America,
or anywhere else for that matter.
Extracts from the Hefley Bill
This Act may be cited as the Seabed Protection
The Congress finds the following:
1. More than two-thirds of earth's surface is
covered by oceans.
2. The oceans and marine waters contain a greater
variety of forms of life than exists on land and scientists are continually
discovering new forms of life in previously unexplored, unique, habitats.
3. The earth's human population is dependent upon
the products of the oceans for income, nutrition, medicines, raw materials
and valuable natural services such as climate regulation, flood control
and storm surge protection.
4. The practice and technology of bottom trawling
and use of other mobile fishing gear on the seabed has Increased to the
point that an area of seabed twice the size of the contiguous United States
Is affected by these practices each year.
5. These practices result in a loss of biological
diversity which is detrimental not only to the ocean environment itself
but, also, to the industries and people that depend on that environment.
6. Little is known about the recoverability of
the seabed from the effects of bottom trawling and Use of other mobile
fishing gear on the seabed. However, due to the slow rates of growth and
reproduction of some marine species, it is believed that full recovery
in some areas may take decades or centuries.
a FishNet USA issue that discusses this subject
Dr. Michel Kaiser [ ]
is a Lecturer in Marine Ecology at the University of Wales-Bangor and formerly
worked for the UK Government agency the Centre for Environment, Fisheries
and Aquaculture Science. He is the co-author of two books to be published
on this subject in the next twelve months by Blackwell Science: The
Effects of Fishing on Non-target Species [ ]
and Marine Fisheries Ecology.