Joseph DeAlteris, Laura
Skrobe and Christine Lipsky
Department of Fisheries
and Aquaculture
University of Rhode Island
Fisheries Center, East Farm
Kingston, RI 02881
to trawl/dredge effects email contacts]
Presented at the American Fisheries
Society Fish Habitat Symposium and submitted for publication as a chapter
in an AFS book entitled "Fish Habitat: Essential Fish Habitat and Rehabilitation."
Seabed disturbance by mobile bottom fishing gear
has emerged as a major concern related to the conservation of essential
fish habitat. Unquestionably, dredges and trawls disturb the seabed. However,
the seabed is also disturbed by natural physical and biological processes.
The biological communities that utilize a particular habitat have adapted
to that environment through natural selection and therefore, the impact
of mobile fishing gear on the habitat structure and biological community
must be scaled against the magnitude and frequency of seabed disturbance
due to natural causes.
Fishers operating in the mouth of Narragansett
Bay, RI use trawls to harvest lobsters, squid and finfish, and dredges
to harvest mussels. These mobile fishing gears impact rock, sand and mud
substrates. Field observations of seabed disturbance by trawls indicate
that the otter boards resuspend sediments and dig a furrow along their
tow path. The trawl ground-cables and net sweep smooth micro-features on
the seabed. Dredges both resuspend sediments and smooth micro-features
on the seabed.
Side-scan sonar data from 1995 with 200% coverage
was available from NOAA for the mouth of Narragansett Bay. Analysis of
this data indicates that evidence of bottom scarring by the fishing gear
is restricted to deeper waters with a seabed composition of soft cohesive
sediments, despite the observation that fishing activity is ubiquitous
throughout the bay mouth.
A quantitative model has been developed to compare
the magnitude and frequency of natural seabed disturbance to mobile fishing
gear disturbance. Wave and tidal currents at the seabed are coupled with
sediment characteristics to estimate the degree of seabed disturbance.
Field experiments designed to compare the longevity
of bottom scars indicate that s -cars in shoal waters and sand sediments
are short-lived, as compared to scars in deep water and mud sediments,
which are long-lasting.
Finally, the model results are compared to the
recovery time of sediments disturbed by the interaction of the fishing
gear with the seabed. This analysis suggests that impact of mobile
fishing gear on the seabed must be evaluated
in light of the degree of seabed disturb du to natural phenomena.- The
application of this model on a larger scale to continental shelf waters
and seabed sediment environments will allow for the identification of problematic
areas relative to the degradation of essential fish habitat by mobile fishing
The 1996 amendments to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act require the National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) and the Fishery Management Councils (FMCs) to protect and conserve
the habitat of fishery resources under their jurisdiction. This habitat
is referred to as "essential fish habitat" (EFH) and is defined as "those
waters and substrate necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding
and growth to maturity." The Act ftirther requires the FMCs to amend Fishery
Management Plans (FMPs) to describe and identify EFH, minimize adverse
fishing effects on EFH, and finally, to identify other actions to conserve
and enhance EFH.
Marine fishing activity, in general, has been
identified as causing harmful environmental effects (Dayton et al. 1995;
Auster and Langton 1998). Finfish and shellfish bycatch, the incidental
take of manimals, turtles, and seabirds, habitat damage, the secondary
effects of discards, the indirect effects of reduction of target species,
and the generation of marine debris, are major concerns. Within this context,
seabed disturbance by commercial mobile fishing gear has emerged as a major
concern related to the conservation of EFH. However, the seabed is also
disturbed by natural physical and biological processes. Bioturbation of
sediments by benthic infauna mixes the sub-surface sediments with the surficial
sediment layer (Rhoads et al. 1978). Bottom currents associated with surface
waves and wind, tidal, and geostrophic forces also move bottom sediments
creating bedforms, and causing erosion and accretion (Wright 1995). The
biological communities that utilize a particular habitat have adapted to
that environment through natural selection (Krebs 1994). As a result, animals
adapted to a highly dynamic seabed environment due to natural causes may
not be affected by seabed disturbance due to fishing. Conversely, animals
adapted to a stable, quiescent seabed environment, if disturbed by fishing
gear, may take a long time to recover.
Therefore, we argue that the relative significance
of seabed disturbance by mobile fishing gear on habitat structure and the
biological community must be scaled against the magnitude and frequency
of seabed disturbance due to natural causes. We have selected the mouth
of Narragansett Bay, RI as a case study where the mobile gear fisheries
will be described and evidence of seabed disturbance by mobile gear will
be presented. The bottom hydrodynamic environment and sediment transport
processes in two environments in the lower bay will be characterized, and
we will present the results of a field experiment to compare the longevity
of mobile gear bottom scars as a measure of habitat recovery time. Based
on the results of these studies, we will demonstrate that seabed disturbance
by mobile fishing gear must be evaluated in light of natural processes,
and will propose that a similar analysis for all continental shelf waters
and seabed sediment environments would allow for the identification of
problematic areas relative to the degradation of essential fish habitat
by mobile fishing gear.
Effects of Mobile Fishing Gear on the Seabed
Understanding the extent and role of mobile fishing
gear impacts is particularly important because of large increases in fishing
effort over the last decade. For centuries, fishermen have used various
kinds of mobile gear to capture bottom-dwelling finfish and shellfish (von
Brandt 1984). Mobile fishing gear types include otter trawls, beam trawls,
mussel and scallop rakes, and clam dredges. Some mobile gear can change
the physical properties of surficial sediments, influence chemical exchanges
between sediments and water, and alter the composition of benthic communities.
Trawling and dredging can be expected to cause a number of direct and indirect
changes in the ecosystem (Messieh et al. 199 1; Riemann and Hoffmann 199
1; Jones 1992). Direct, immediate effects include scraping and ploughing
of the substrate, sediment resuspension, destruction of benthos, and dumping
of processing waste. Indirect, delayed or long-term effects include post-fishing
mortality and long-term changes to the benthic community structure.
Most experimental studies to date have been restricted
to evaluating only the immediate impacts of mobile gear. However, intensive
and repeated trawling in the same area may lead to long-term changes in
both benthic habitat and communities. The magnitude of the effect depends
on the type of gear employed, the depth of penetration of the gear into
the sediment, the water depth, the nature of the substrate (mud, sand,
pebbles, or boulders), the kind of benthic communities being impacted (i.e.
epibenthic vs. infauna), the frequency with which the area is fished, the
weight of the gear on the seabed, the towing speed, the strength of the
tides and currents, and the time of year (de Groot 1984; Redant 1987; Churchill
1989; Krost et al. 1990; Jenner et al. 199 1; Mayer et al. 199 1; ICES
1995; Jones 1992; Prena et al. 1996). The parts of a trawl that leave the
most distinctive marks are the otter boards. Single otter-board tracks
range in width from approximately 0.2 to 2 m and their depths can vary
from 3 to 30 cm deep (Caddy and Iles 1972; Krost et al. 1990). Sediment
type is one of the more important factors. In sandy sediment, there is
low penetration of the otter boards due to high mechanical resistance of
the sediment and the seabed in sandy areas is more rapidly restored by
waves and currents. Therefore, on sand bottoms, the tracks are short-lived,
whereas in mud bottoms the tracks will be deeper and will last longer (Caddy
1973; Werner et al. 1976; Krost et al. 1990).
Studies indicate that dredges (Langton and Robinson
1990; Auster et al. 1996), bottom trawls (Auster et al. 1996), and beam-trawls
(Kaiser and Spencer 1996) can alter the physical characteristics of the
substratum, and Riemann and Hoffman (1991) note that particulate material
is resuspended from the bottom into the water column from dredging and
bottom trawling. Kaiser et al. (1998) investigated changes in the megafaunal
benthic community in different habitats after trawling disturbance, and
found that in mobile sediments effects of fishing were not even immediately
detectable, and in stable sediments, after six months, seasonal changes
in the benthic community masked an effect of fishing. On pebble and cobble
bottoms, mobile fishing gear eliminates or severely damages the epifaunal
species present prior to the gear passing the area (Eleftheriou and Robertson
1992; Auster et al. 1996; Collie et al. 1997), as well as reduces habitat
complexity, species diversity, and abundance of some taxa that live in
stable sediments (Auster et al. 1996; Kaiser and Spencer 1996).
Technology of Mapping the Seabed
The use of sound in the sea dates to Leonardo
de Vinci in the fifteenth century who noted that the sound of approaching
sailing vessels could be heard in the sea before the vessels were observed
over the horizon. The modem age of sound navigation and ranging (SONAR)
began with World War II and the development of electronic instruments that
utilized hydroacoustics (underwater sound) to detennine water depth and
the distance and bearing of objects under the sea (Urick 1983). Since 1970,
hydroacoustic methods have been used for the estimation of pelagic fishery
resource abundance (MacLennan and Simmonds 1992). The most advanced technology
is capable of identifying, counting, and tracking individual fish as they
pass around and through hydroelectric plants. The technology of using hydroacoustics
to map the seabed with transducers that scanned to the sides of the survey
vessel was developed in the 1960s, and has been in commercial application
since the 1970s. In the 1990s, side-scan sonar is standard equipment aboard
coastal survey vessels that map navigable waterways, and it is also used
in nautical archeology, seabed resource mapping, and environmental surveys
(Anonymous 1996). Side-scan sonar was used to map oyster reefs in the James
River, VA and to identify scars in the reefs made by the propeller wash
of tug boats passing over shallow reefs (DeAlteris 1988).
Side-scan sonar has also been used as a technique
to demonstrate physical impacts of fishing trawls and dredges by recording
and documenting tracks (Amos and King 1984; Miller 1987; Fader and Pecore
1988; Josenhans et al. 1991). Moreover, it is a fast method of data recording
and is therefore well-suited for mapping large areas of the sea floor (Krost
et al. 1990). Previous studies (e.g. Krost et al. 1990; Jenner et al. 199
1; Harrison et al. 199 1) clearly demonstrate that side-scan sonar can
be used to determine if the seafloor has recently been disturbed by mobile
fishing gear. Krost et al. (1990) identified otter trawl tracks in Kiel
Bay (Western Baltic) using side-scan sonar and found that the frequency
of trawl tracks was highest in mud areas.
Coastal Sediment, Transport Processes
Sediments of the coastal seabed are subject to
erosion, transport, and deposition as a function of the hydrodynamic environment.
Early work on sediment transport processes was restricted to fresh water
environments where unidirectional currents transport sediments downstream
based on the velocity of the water and the grain size of the sediment (Graf
1971). Hjulstrom. (1939) investigated the erosion, transport and deposition
of uniformly sized particles in a steady current. He demonstrated that
fine grain size sand with a diameter of 0.25 mm. Was eroded at the lowest
average velocity (about 25 cm/sec), whereas finer and coarser sediments
required substantially greater velocities. He also noted that silt and
clay size sediments, because of their cohesive nature, were considerably
more resistant to erosion (average velocity greater than 125 cm/sec). Hjulstrom's
research was based on average velocities in channels, and therefore the
critical velocities for erosion measured at I m above the bed must be adjusted
downward to account for a turbulent, logarithmically decaying velocity
profile (Munson et al. 1994).
Further research by Shields (193 6) and others
on the mechanics of sediment transport in steady, unidirectional flows,
developed the concepts of friction velocities and critical sheer stresses
for erosion of cohesionless sediments. Research on the erosion, transport,
and deposition of fine, cohesive sediments was lead by Partheniades (1965)
and others. In the 1970s, Sternberg (1972) and Madsen and Grant (1976)
investigated the coastal sediment transport processes, combining wave-generated
oscillatory bottom currents with steady, unidirectional currents due to
wind, tides and other forces. Sleath (1990), Cacchione and Drake (1990),
and Metha and Dyer (1990) provide up-to-date research reviews of seabed
boundary layer dynamics, shelf sediment dynamics and cohesive sediment
transport in coastal waters, respectively.
A practical application of this research is to
predict the seaward limit of significant sediment transport as related
to the potential dispersal of disposed dredge material after disturbance
of the sediment cap, or to compare natural disturbance to seabed disturbance
by fishing gear. This estimate of the seaward limit of sediment transport
is dependent on the local wave and current environment, water depth and
sediment type. The Shore Protection Manual (CERC 1984) of the US Army Corps
of Engineers recommends estimating the local wave climate based on hindcast
analysis of the wind climate, then determining the maximum wave orbital
velocity 1 m above the seabed using linear (Airy) wave theory, and finally
comparing this maximum bottom current to a tabulated threshold value for
sediment motion. Sherwood (1989) describes a more sophisticated analysis
based on the Madsen and Grant (1976) model.
Description of the study area and mobile gear
Lower Narragansett Bay is a well-mixed (vertically.homogenous)
estuary located in southern New England, USA. It is approximately 40 km
in length, 10 km in width, and discharges into Rhode Island Sound. Sediments
in the bay range from sandy mud in the deeper portions of the bay, to pebbles
and cobbles along portions of the shore and shoal areas, to sand in other
shore and shallow areas (McMaster 1960). Tides are semi-diumal with a mean
range of 1.2 m and tidal currents at the surface reach maximum velocities
in excess of 70 cm/see (Hicks 1959). Narragansett Bay is exposed to wind
and waves of unlimited fetch from the southern quadrant (Hicks et al. 1956).
The study area is located in the lower portion of the West Passage of Narragansett
Bay and is approximately 7 km in length and 4 km in width (Figure
1). Dutch Island is located in the middle of the study area.
The mobile gear fisheries of Narragansett Bay
include bottom trawls that harvest finfish, lobster and squid (Figure
2), and dredges that harvest mussels (Figure
3). The dredges work primarily in the pebble/cobble environments along
the peripheral edges of the bay, and the trawls work primarily in the sand
and mud environments.
The State of Rhode Island issues a multi-purpose
commercial fishing license and there is no trip-ticket or log reporting
system. Therefore, this description of the fisheries is based on anecdotal
information provided by the state regulatory agency personnel and the leaders
of local fishermen's organizations. It is estimated that there have been
approximately 22 mobile gear vessels annually working the lower bay for
the last decade. This includes both part-time and full-time vessels, but
is about equal to 15 full-time equivalent (FTE) vessels. These FTE vessels
range in length from 12 to 20 m and operate for 6 months of the year, 5
days per week. Each FTE vessel makes 4 to 5 tows per day. Thus, Narragansett
Bay experiences about 8000 tows annually and it is estimated that the study
area, the lower portion of West Passage, experiences about 10% of the total
effort or about 800 tows annually. The average tow is 1. 5 hours in duration
at a speed.of about 4 km/hr. Therefore, the length of the average tow is
6 km.
Observations by divers of bottom trawls operating
on the seabed indicate that the otter boards principally impact the seabed,
smoothing an area along their path and creating a small ridge at the trawling
edge of the otter board shoe (Wardle 1993). The width of the smoothed area
depends on the angle of attack of the otter board, but is generally about
Y2the length of the otter board. The depth of the smoothed area and the
height of the ridge depend on the weight of the board and the sediment
type, but in Narragansett Bay, our observations indicate the height of
the ridge to be between 10 and 20 cm. and the depth of the smoothed area
to be 5 to 10 cm. 'Me effect of the trawl on the seabed is dependent on
the design of the sweep and the sediment type. A properly fishing trawl
net skims the seabed, and therefore only resuspends the fine surficial
sediment layer, and minimally impacts the micro-topography of the seabed.
Video surveillance shows that dredging'causes considerably more disturbance
of the seabed than the bottom trawl. The dredge rolls over gravels, pebbles,
and boulders, flattens bedforms on soft sand and mud sediments, and resuspends
fine sediments. In Narragansett Bay, dredge activity is less am 5% of the
total effort, and when it occurs, the disturbance is limited to the 2-3
m width of the single dredge towed by the local vessels.
Evidence of seabed disturbance by mobile fishing
Side-scan sonar data was obtained from the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Surveys were performed from
31 August 1995 to 25 September 1995 aboard the NOAA SN Rude, a 27.4 m vessel
equipped with an EdgeTech 262 Side Scan Sonar and P-code Global Positioning
System. The system was adjusted to record a 50 ra wide range on either
side of the trackline. Two duplicate surveys were performed within weeks
of each other and each of them had I 10% coverage (10% overlap in track
lines). The track lines for the two surveys were offset from each other
by 50 m. The two surveys were combined into one data set.
Analysis of the side-scan sonar records was conducted
by creating an interpretation scheme and applying it to all the data obtained
from NOAA. The records were interpreted at approximately 50 rn spacing
along each track line, thereby creating an interpretive data point area
of 50m x I 00m. Trawl and dredge scars were noted and divided into 7 categories
from 0 to 6, where 0 is the absence of scars and 6 is the presence of greater
than 10 scars. Sediment type was interpreted based on acoustic backscatter
and was divided into mud, sand, pebble/cobble, and boulder categories.
Finally, structures were noted (if present), which included single boulders
by sizes, shipwrecks, anchors, moorings, and lobster pots. Data was recorded
in EXCEL, imported into SURFER and plotted. Post plots were created of
the interpretive points, bottom type and distribution of scars. A detailed
depth contour chart was constructed based on the bathymetric data (corrected
to mean low water) collected concurrently with the side scan sonar data.
An estimate of total area sampled was made by
multiplying the area of each interpretive data point (50m x I 00m) by the
total number of interpretive points. This total was divided by 2.2 to account
for the two surveys, each with 10% overlap. The total area that was scarred
was estimated by assuming the width of each scar was 0.5 m (a weighted
average for trawls and dredges), multiplying it by the length of each scar
at each interpretive point (50 m) and by the number of scars recorded at
each interpretive point, and dividing by 2.2 for duplication.
Characterization of bottom hydrodynamic environment
and sediment transport processes
The hydrodynamic environment at I m above seabed
was estimated for two experimental sites in the southern portion of Narragansett
Bay using a methodology based on the Shore Protection Manual (CERC 1984),
but using a Hjulstrom diagram to estimate the critical velocity for sediment
erosion. The two sites included a shallow (7 m) sand area located at 41'
28.636'N, 71'25.027'W and a deep (14 m) mud area located at 41'28.173'N,
710 24.048'w. Both of the sites were within the study area. A surface wave
climate for the mouth of Narragansett Bay was developed based on-four information
sources. Hicks et al. (1956) provides daily observations of wave height
and period for two locations in the mouth of Narragansett Bay (Fort Vamurn
and Scarborough). Naval ship observations (SSMO) in southern New England
waters (Quonset Marsden Square) for a 5-year period, 1963-1968, were summarized
in the final report of a dredge material disposal study (Anonymous 1975).
Hindcast wave climate data for station 83 in Rhode Island Sound for the
20-year period 1956-1975 (WIS) was taken from Hubertz et al. (1993). This
data was analyzed, plotted as wave height versus cumulative probability
greater than and correlated for period and height. Regression models were
best fit to both data sets. Tidal currents at I m above the seabed for
the two sites were derived from average tidal currents provided by a vertically
integrated numerical model (Spaulding and Swanson 1984) and were adjusted
to I m above the seabed using a power-law velocity profile with n=7 (Munson
et al. 1994). Linear wave theory was used to estimate the maximum orbital
velocity at I m above the seabed for the bay mouth wave climate at the
two experimental sites' water depths. Critical velocities for erosion of
sand and mud were conservatively taken from the Hjulstrom diagram.
Field verification of the longevity of bottom
Field studies to determine the longevity of bottom
scars were conducted between June and July of 1998. The longevity of a
scar is interpreted as a measure of both frequency of natural seabed disturbance
and the recovery time of the substrate. Experiments were conducted in two
locations, a shallow sand area located at 410 28.636' N, 710 25.027' W
with a water depth of 7 m, and a deep mud area located at 410 28.173' N,
710 24.048' W with a water depth of 14 m. These are the same locations
used in the model analysis. Sampling was conducted from a 6.4 m Boston
%aler. A stake field (DeAlteris et al. 1975) was established in both sites
using two 1.8 m long iron stakes, where the stakes were driven into the
sediment so that half was in the sediment and half was left exposed. The
stakes were spaced 1.2 m apart. Each site was marked with a buoy at the
surface attached to a concrete anchor. Divers scarred the bottom using
a hand held shovel, and the scars were approximately 15 cm deep and 1.2
m long. At both sites, the scars were made parallel and perpendicular to
the two stakes. Divers visually checked the sites routinely (daily for
the first week, and then weekly for 2 months) to monitor the longevity
of the scars.
Evidence of seabed disturbance by mobile fishing
The results of the analysis of the side-scan sonar
data are presented in Figures 4a to 4d ().
The survey track lines with the individual interpretative data points are
shown in Figure 4a. A total of 6163 interpretive data points were included
in the analysis, incorporating an area of 14 kM2 . The contoured bathymetric
data show a deep channel on the east side of the southern portion of West
Passage that diverges into two channels around Dutch Island, and these
converge into a single deep channel again on the east side of the northern
portion of West Passage (Figure 4b). The bottom sediment types were predominantly
mud, with boulder fields along the shallow shoreline areas, and sand with
sand waves in the shallow southwestern portion of the study area - (Figure
4c). This spatial bottom type pattern corresponds reasonably well with
sediment grain size distribution reported by McMaster (1960) based on grab
samples. The distribution of scars on the seabed attributable to the activity
of mobile fishing gear is shown in Figure 4d. The number of scars evident
in a single interpretive data point (50 x 100 m) varied from 0 to more
than 10. The spatial distribution of the scars is limited to the deeper
mud channels within the study area. A digital image of an original side-scan
sonar interpretive data point from the lower bay is shown in Figure 5 .
The scars of individual otter boards are clearly evident, and when the
original records were mosaiked, individual track pairs were observed, with
two start and end points. The total area observed to be scarred by otter
boards is estimated to be 0. 12 km , or 0.9%
of the area surveyed.
Characterization of bottom hydrodynamic environment
and sediment transport processes
The results of the characterizations of the hydrodynamic
environment and sediment
transport processes are presented in Figures
6a to 6d ().
The four data sources provide a wave climate
at the mouth of Narragansett Bay which indicates that waves greater than
I rn with a
period of 8 sec occur 20% of the time, and waves
greater than 2 m with a period of 10 sec occur only 5% of the time (Figures
6a and 6b). Maximum tidal currents I m above the bed at the sand and mud
experimental sites were different, with the ebb current at the mud site
being about 8 cm/sec greater than at the sand site (Figure 6c). The maximum
velocity I m above the bed was determined by adding the maximum daily ebb
tidal velocity at each site to the maximum wave orbital velocity calculated
for the wave conditions (height and period) at the bay mouth at each site
(7 and 14 m depths). The critical erosion velocities for sand and mud were
estimated at 20 and 100 cm/sec, respectively. Based on these methods, sediments
in the sand locations are eroded 100% of t he time or every day, where
as at the mud site, erosion is predicted to occur less than 5% of the time
(Figure 6d).
Field verification of the longevity of bottom
At the mud site, the two scars were monitored
periodically and were observed to be unchanged for a period greater than
60 days. At the sand site, the first two scars lasted 4 days. Then the
site was rescarred by the divers and the scars lasted 3 days. In the third
and fWal experiment at the sand site, the two scars lasted only I day.
Notable observations of the divers during the field work are the following:
(1) large rock crabs were observed inhabiting the scars in the mud area;
(2) sediments were observed in motion on all dives at the sand site; and
(3) although both areas experience the activity of mobile fishing gear
during certain seasons, lobster pots were found at both sites during the
experimental period.
With the emerging interest in essential fish habitat
relative to the conservation and management of marine resources, mobile
fishing gear is being scrutinized as contributing to the degradation of
the marine habitat. Seabed disturbance by mobile fishing gear is recognized
as an important issue, however, we argue that seabed disturbance by mobile
fishing gear must be evaluated relative to seabed disturbance due to natural
physical and biological causes. We selected the lower portion of Narragansett
Bay, RI as a case study area to compare the seabed disturbance due to mobile
fishing gear to seabed disturbance due to natural physical processes alone.
A small fleet of inshore mobile gear vessels tow
bottom trawls and dredges across the seabed in Narragansett Bay: approximately
15 FTE vessels make about 8000 tows annually in the bay. The study area
is the lower portion of the West Passage in Narragansett Bay. This area
experiences about 10% of the total mobile gear effort, or 800 tows annually,
with each tow estimated at 6 Ian in length. Mobile gear activity occurs
on mud, sand and rock substrates, but we have restricted our analyses to
the soft sediment bottoms (sand and mud).
The results of our analysis of side-scan sonar
available for the study area indicate that bottom scarring due to trawl
doors is restricted to the relatively deep sandy mud substrates, despite
observations that trawling activity occurs in all the habitat types in
Narragansett Bay. Our estimate of the area impacted by the bottom scars
is less than 1% of the total area surveyed.
The model analysis of bottom hydrodynamic and
sediment transport processes of two experimental sites in the lower portion
of the study area indicates that sediment transport occurs daily in the
shallow (7 m), sand substrate, but less than 5% of the time in the deep
(14 m), mud substrate. This suggests that bottom scars will be short-lived
in the shallow sand site and long-lived in the deep mud site.
The actual longevity of bottom scars in these
two experimental sites was measured in a field study. Bottom scars dug
and monitored by divers lasted only I to 4 days in the shallow sand substrate
as compared to greater than 60 days in the deep mud substrate. Thus, this
difference in scar longevity is also a measure of a difference in substrate
recovery time.
From these analyses, we conclude that while mobile
fishing gear disturbs the seabed, the significance of that disturbance
must be compared to the magnitude and frequency of natural seabed disturbance.
In this study, our analyses indicate that in a shallow, sand substrate,
natural physical processes are disturbing the seabed regularly. Thus, the
substrate's recovery from fishing gear-related disturbance is almost immediate.
However, in the deep, mud substrate, the results of our analyses indicate
that natural processes are rarely capable of disturbing the seabed and
therefore, recovery from fishing gear-related disturbance is slow. These
results correspond well with the conclusions of Kaiser et al. (1998) in
their study of megafaunal benthic communities in different habitats after
trawling disturbance.
Our analysis of fishing effort suggests that potentially
4.8 km2 of the seabed within the study area may be disturbed annually by
mobile gear scars [6 km tow length x (0.5 + 0.5)m width disturbed x 800
tows]. However, we identified only 0. 1 kM2 of Sears in the side-scan sonar
data. This indicates that habitat recovery, albeit slow, must occur even
in the mud substrate.
It is recommended that an analysis of the seaward
extent of active sediment transport for the continental shelf would be
helpful in the evaluation of the seabed disturbance by mobile fishing gear.
The Corps of Engineers has available hindcast wave climates for the shelf
region, the US Geological Survey has water depth and sediment grain size
data for the shelf region, and an analysis of fishing activity by gear
type and location based on a National Marine Fisheries Service database
could be conducted for the same region. Comparison of these analyses would
allow for the identification of areas that may be problematic with respect
to seabed disturbance by mobile fishing gear, i.e., areas with substantial
fishing activity and minimal natural physical disturbance.
The authors thank the RI Sea Grant Program for
the support of this research. Cdr. N. Perugini of the NOAA Corps graciously
provided the raw side-scan sonar records and the navigational track data.
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